Curfew in St. Petersburg. What are the restrictions of staying on the street for teenagers 16-18 years in St. Petersburg?

Curfew in St. Petersburg. What are the restrictions of staying on the street for teenagers 16-18 years in St. Petersburg? The law of St. Petersburg "On the administrative responsibility of parents (persons who replace them) for the connivance of finding minors in public places at night without their accompaniment" was adopted by 21 ...

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Element of the administrative offense, which is a society protected by administrative law

Element of the administrative offense, which is a society protected by administrative law Signs of an administrative offense antisociality, that is, harmed the legitimate interests of citizens, society and the state. wrongfulness consists in committing an act, violation of the norm of administrative and other branches of law (labor, land, financial), ...

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Help! How correctly - part 1 article 50 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, or paragraph 1 article 50 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation?

Help! How correctly - part 1 article 50 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, or paragraph 1 article 50 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation? I would also like to hear a motivated answer to a question from those who answered it. There is no NAP, which would unequivocally regulate this issue. ...

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Contrasignature Institute what is it?

Contrasignature Institute what is it? This is the order in which the laws approved by the monarch are subject to mandatory certification by the signature of the prime minister (less often one of the ministers) responsible for implementing this law. The signature, re-placed next to the main signature, certifying it or confirming the fact of additionally declared ...

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The law on the protection of personal correspondence and telephone conversations in Russia generally exists ?!

The law on the protection of personal correspondence and telephone conversations in Russia generally exists ?! The Constitution of the Russian Federation the law "On Personal Data", "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection", "On Communications" and plus Art. 23 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Not a little is written. There is little sense. THE FEDERAL LAW ...

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What is the hierarchy of Russian legislation

What is the hierarchy of the legislation of the Russian Federation. Article 10 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of a division into legislative, executive and judicial. Legislative, executive and judicial bodies are independent. This is the principle of the Romano-German system. The court can not accept ...

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