surname of the USSR miners record holder

the surname of the miners champion of the USSR, Alexei Stakhanov. But what does this have to do with hockey? Stakhanov) Aleksei Stakhanov, an innovator of the coal industry, the founder of the Stakhanov movement, the Hero of Socialist Labor There is a power - you do not need to mind. One more Soviet myth disintegrated. One of the system-forming myths of the USSR, ...

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What is bullet?

What is bullet? Bullitt free throw in hockey with a puck. Bullits are game and post-match. There are 5 conditions, the totality of which is necessary for assigning bullets to the game, and 1 the post match condition. violation of the rules was made at the time when the puck was out of the zone ...

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What is a draft?

What is a draft? Draft - this is when you're driving close behind the driver in front, and all the resistance of the air is taken care of by the one ahead, and it's much easier for you to go, because the flow of air is bending around you. Draft is when every season ...

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