Infection! Why is the jam candied?

Infection! Why is the jam candied? Leave at room temperature. Candied jam can be stored for decades in the pantry. If you want to reduce the sugar content of the jam, add any fruit juice (BETTER CHERRY) AND GIVE UP TO DRINK. AFTER OSTYOVANIYA, he will stop sugaring. Candied jam is more economically consumed - ...

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How long to salt lard

How long to salt Salo fat must necessarily be carried out to the frost after 2-5 days of prosalt home. One kilogram of fat is cut into pieces with a thickness of 4 cm, gently rinse with cold water and drain with a paper towel. Do not put too much fat in ...

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how to pick up black mushrooms?

how to pick up black mushrooms? Black mushrooms after soaking, it is necessary to scrape to a pink color. And then - keep the recipe: HOT MUSHROOMS HARVEY Before pickling, the mushrooms are soaked (the red and russet must not be soaked) in salty acidified water (10 g salt and 2 ...

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And what is stew?

And what is stew? Carcasses of the dead animals. Oh, what I said (((((((((((((Stewed meat - if in general terms And now from history: Canned meat stew in Russia has a glorious history.The famous American stew, providing a full-fledged food to the army, ...

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